How business insurance can help your employees
The past year and a half have been tough on everyone. Businesses and employees alike have experienced changes to their working routines, salaries, and personal life. As a business owner, you can make a difference during tough times by offering options from your Edmonton commercial insurance company. Edmonton business insurance covers things like health care, dental, and vision care. Here are a few ways you can assist your employees now and for their future.
Health care coverage
Have an employee extended health care coverage where your staff can opt-in or out of coverage. Extended health care insurance can provide a way for your employees to save money on prescription drugs, medical emergency costs, and physical therapy. When your employees know they have extra coverage over and above the typical government policy, they will feel more relaxed and work better. Making this business insurance an option allows all your employees to choose how much or how little they need according to their current life situation. Health care coverage can also be extended to members of their immediate family for more peace of mind.

Edmonton business insurance
Dental coverage
Edmonton business insurance can even offer coverage for visits to the dentist. Everyone knows a dentist appointment can get pricy, but you can help reduce the overall costs with dental coverage for your employees. Dental coverage is usually capped off at a specific dollar amount for a 12-month period and can cover things like general dentistry, teeth cleaning, fillings, and tooth extractions. This optional coverage can also be extended to spouses and children of the primary employee.
Vision coverage
You may or may not require glasses, but Alberta Health Care does not cover a visit to the optometrist. Checking your vision is crucial to ensuring nothing is happening with your eyesight that you may not be aware of. Offering vision coverage to your employees helps them to maintain healthy eyesight without the extra costs of expensive eyewear and visits to the eye doctor. Giving your employees optional insurance coverage for vision helps everyone see clearly and reduces the stress of not knowing if something is wrong.
Edmonton commercial insurance coverage is available for all types of businesses. If you are a business owner, it is a good idea to see what options are available for both yourself and your employees. Having insurance coverage options can reduce employee absences and improve overall morale. Isn’t it time you thought about incorporating insurance into your business plan?
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