Maximize Your Super Visa Insurance Benefits with Reliant Insurance Brokers

Super Visa Insurance Benefits: The Super Visa, introduced by the Canadian government in 2011, has been a transformative program for eligible parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. It grants them the opportunity to reunite with their families residing in the country for extended periods, eliminating the need for frequent visa renewals.

However, one of the important prerequisites to secure a Super Visa is having suitable insurance coverage. If you don’t have the coverage, fret not! Partnering with the right insurance partner like Reliant Insurance Brokers in Edmonton, you can tap into the Super Visa insurance benefits. Let us tell you how:


Super Visa Insurance, let’s first understand

According to the program’s requirements, the applicants for the Super Visa must provide proof of private medical insurance purchased from a Canadian insurance company.

The Super Visa insurance they have must meet set criteria, like validity for a minimum of one year, coverage of a minimum of $100,000, etc. It must also cover the expenses of hospitalization, repatriation, and medical treatment for the duration of the visa holder’s stay in the country.

This stipulation helps serve the purpose of safeguarding Canada’s healthcare system. It ensures that the visitors do not place an undue burden on the medical resources of the country.


How Reliant Insurance Brokers Can Help You

As a dedicated insurance partner, we facilitate families and individuals in securing their Super Visa insurance. We assist them in finding the right insurance solution as per their unique requirements.

Let us explain how we can help you maximize your Super Visa insurance benefits:

  • Get Customized Insurance Plans 

Reliant Insurance Brokers have worked with countless applicants of Super Visa insurance and our experience in the industry spans several years. Thus, we understand that each applicant is distinct and has unique needs.

We work closely with the applicants and assess their age, medical history, and other pertinent factors. After assessing these factors, we recommend the most suitable Super Visa insurance plans that provide them with comprehensive coverage while fitting their budget.

  • Choose from a Plethora of Insurance Providers 

Our extensive experience has not only deepened our understanding of insurance plans but also helped us establish a vast network of insurance providers. In other words, Reliant Insurance Brokers has access to several reputable insurance providers, offering multiple options for Super Visa insurance plans.

It gives you a chance to go through your options, compare them, and choose a suitable insurance plan.

  • Get Transparent Guidance and Assistance from The Experts 

At Reliant Insurance Brokers, we believe in educating our clients about the entire process of purchasing a Super Visa insurance policy. Thus, we offer transparent and clear guidance to them and make sure they understand everything thoroughly before they spend their money.

Besides, we also help the applicants with their insurance documentation. While there can be an overwhelming amount of documentation and paperwork when applying for a Super Visa insurance plan, we will handle the same for you.

We will do the heavy lifting for you, meeting deadlines and fulfilling the requirements on your part. We will also provide our expert guidance in the event of claim support, and help you get the coverage you deserve.



Reliant Insurance Brokers are your one-stop solution for the Super Visa insurance formalities, applications, claims, and everything in between. We will provide you with customized, cost-effective, and efficient solutions.


Super Visa Insurance Fort Saskatchewan

Are you hosting an expat family to Fort Saskatchewan on a Super Visa?

Ensure their stay is worry-free with our Super Visa Insurance. We understand the importance of family, which is why we have designed this insurance to meet their specific needs. Our comprehensive coverage offers peace of mind from medical emergencies to unforeseen circumstances. Focus on creating happy memories knowing your loved ones are protected. We simplify the visa application process. Explore the world of possibilities with Super Visa insurance on your side. Contact us today for a seamless experience for your family visit to Fort Saskatchewan.


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